We live in a world that is changing. New, uprising markets are taking over and the digital tools that we have in our disposal are so many. Ten years ago we were talking about the next generation of technology in telecommunications and now we are talking about AI and Data management. What is the role of data today? I think is the most valuable resource, even more then funding! Let’s take it from the beginning…
In simple terms, we have overcome innovation! But what is the most important source in a world that is going to fast?
People is one answer, but is that enough?
What do people do? We are connected and now we interact. The next step in technology is interaction, between people, companies, countries e.t.c. What is the most valuable asset of interaction?
Data of course!
We live in a world that is changing. New, uprising markets are taking over and the digital tools that we have in our disposal are so many. Ten years ago we were talking about the next generation of technology in telecommunications and now we are talking about AI and Data management. What is the role of data today? I think is the most valuable resource, even more then funding! Let’s take it from the beginning…
Data analysis and management help us to create and provide specific and tailor-made services to our customers. We live in times that we have to cover certain unmet needs by personalized solutions. Yes, the idea of a “high-quality personal service”- such as medical services- is coming back after a long period where only technical solutions considered profitable and valuable to invest to.
Let’s take for example a private hospital. Every day there are thousands of patients that go to a hospital for so many reasons such as chronic diseases, emergencies, chemotherapies, surgical operations. For most cases, these people, the patients, are just numbers and no one seems to realize that they are valuable resources.
What I mean is that with the right digital tool and effective data management we can come to statistic conclusions and answer questions like:

Isn’t that more effective as a commercial campaign than a simple newsletter or e-mail? I think it is more possible to recommend our hospital to a relative or a friend with a health problem, and why is that? Because we do things different and more effective. As we say, through the data management “we control the patient’s experience” instead of just treat him.
Wouldn’t it be beneficial for our business if we knew for sure the increasing markets based on real data and statistics? It will save us money, time and other resources.
These are only some of the questions that effective data management can answer and give the added value to our services. According to these conclusions, we can organize even better the hospital’s business plan, we can put specific data to the business plan and set certain goals, even establish new chronic disease departments (diabetes, certain cancer types e.t.c.), if we find an increase to these certain conditions. We can interact with the patients in the aftercare, treat better any chronic disease by a mobile app, we can send educational and motivational videos and so many more, personalized for every individual. This way we could provide our patients with high-quality aftercare services and keep them engaged to the hospital.
We can build a system that manages data but in a self-evolving way. A system that learns by itself through the internet but needs the human approach and input to perform its best. This is the ultimate Data Management!
We need to be very specific to whom we address to because we all get too many emails, messages every day without giving the proper attention-which is natural. We use social media every day and in every action of our lives. So, first of all, we need to manage data in the right way to organize our marketing campaigns, because what is the meaning of a commercial campaign without an effective impact?
FinTech and InsurTech are two of the most increasing markets, targeting directly to customers. What do we know about our customers except for the information that they are obliged to share? What is their unmet need? I am not talking about stealing their data or possessing them in an illegal way. I am talking about interaction via services, statistics and more effective market analysis for any kind of business, smaller and bigger. There were times that we had the impression that a small business doesn’t need tools like that. Now, these times are over because, as we speak, the markets are changing, the customers are changing, the companies are changing into a different business model.
We can build a system that manages data but in a self-evolving way. A system that learns by itself through the internet but needs the human approach and input to perform its best. This is the ultimate Data Management!
In a realistic approach, we will find out that AI is not effective without the human input and way. It is a tool, like a surgeon’s scalp, so it takes a good surgeon to perform a great operation. That will help us to learn more about the needs of our customers and cover them directly.
Welcome to the new era!