The #Biorheology Laboratory serves the areas of #BioRheology, Fluid and #Biofluid Mechanics, microscale #Haemodynamics and BioMicrofluidics, with significant experience in Image Processing, which allowed the investigation of the structural properties of #blood in the microscale and its relation to the mechanical properties. (http://web.cut.ac.cy/biorheology/)
The methods and techniques used in the #laboratory include #rheometry and optical #rheology, in conjuction with #microfluidics and #velocimetry. The results produced in the laboratory help to elucidate fundamental mechanisms, phenomena and bio-processes, as well as to find applications in areas such as #diagnostics and treatment for issues of the #circulatory and #microcirculatory system.
Vidavo is developing a unique mobile app. The app is used by patients, doctors and researchers. The main purpose of the app is for users to interact with the #DIACTMOND device, which performs experiments on coagulation and inflammation in the blood.