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Greek Telemedicine in the African Continent

The pioneering telemedicine company VIDAVO welcomed a delegation of the Medical Service of the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of #Uganda at its offices in #Thessaloniki. The purpose of the visit was to learn about the capabilities of the award-winning telemedicine platform #Vida24, which VIDAVO plans to expand to Africa after Europe and Asia.


The delegation was made up of Major General Dr. Ambrose Musinguzi, Head of Medical Services, Lieutenant Kakungulu Ivan Head of the Information Technology Division and Dr. Kaweesa Joseph, President of the iLERA INITIATIVE Foundation.


The delegation visited the General Hospital "Georgios Papanikolaou" where they were given a guided tour of the Nephrology Clinic and were informed about the Support of Blood Collection Patients outside the Hospital through Remote Digital Health Services for the interconnection of patients with Health Professionals by the head of the services, Nephrologist Gerasimos Bamichas MD, PhD. This was followed by a detailed presentation of the potential of Telemedicine with examples of model research services for oncology case management that are in the final stage of implementation at Papageorgiou Hospital. This was followed by participation in a preparedness exercise of AHEPA Hospital and information about the innovative application "EMMA -Emergency Clinical Support" which has been provided by VIDAVO and is being used as a pilot in the hospital's emergency departments. Finally, the delegation attended a presentation of the Hospital IT System of Computer Team, a leading company in the field of IT Systems in Hospitals.


The cooperation and this visit was supported and welcomed online from Athens by the founder and president of the Hellenic-African Chamber, Mr. Sotirios Mousouris.

#vida24 #ahepa #papanikolaou #vidavo #telemedicine #healthcare #africa #teamwork

This is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and by Greek national funds through the Operational Programme Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, in the framework of the RESEARCH - CREATE - INNOVATE Vida24, under grant agreement No.T2EΔK-00020.
