• (+30) 2310 474762
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3rd WP6 International ΤECMED Workshop

We are happy to participate at the 3rd WP6 International Workshop entitled “ #TECMED Project: Progress and challenges in the Pilot and the Capitalization Plan".

  • Progress and challenges of the TEC-MED model implementation

  • Validation and Certification of TEC-MED Model

  • Social aspects of TEC-MED capitalization plan

A surprisely smart platform called Caring Platfrom is about to blow your mind

The event will take place in Tunis (Tunisia), on July 27th, 2022.

ENI CBC Med Programme

This #workshop is organized under the framework of the TEC-MED project "Development of a transcultural social-ethical-care model for dependent populations in the Mediterranean Sea basin" (2014-2020 ENI CBC #Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme).
